A new approach to procurement and delivery methods to target and increase Social Value across LOCAL COMMUNITIES.

This initiative comes in response to a number of factors, including:

  • Legislative changes that place a greater focus on social value in procurement, such as the National Procurement Policy Statement.

  • The growing importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) priorities for businesses, nationally and internationally. This ensures that businesses are developing products and services in communities that are sustainable and aligned to the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals.

  • A lack of capacity in the local public sector to deliver preventative social value programs, due to post-Covid increases in emergency and immediate demands.

  • The need to strengthen the reach and impact of charities and social enterprises, many of whom are already delivering social value but would benefit from being able to expand their services.


Delivering a co-ordinated strategy to maximise social impact.

Our aim is to establish a collaborative framework that will:

  • Develop a co-ordinated strategy for social value

  • Create a delivery vehicle to implement the strategy

  • Targeted social value initiatives to the most relevant demographics

Our approach focusses on those areas we have identified that make a difference.

  • Emotional Intelligence (EI), to help build aspiration and confidence.

  • Physical and mental health to create resilience and maximise wellbeing.

  • Diversity and inclusion to ensure all voices are heard and all talent is utilised.

We recognise how Social Value can be a positive force to improve economic, social, and environmental wellbeing for communities and the individuals within them.

Our experience from elite sport, aviation, emergency services, private and charity sectors has clarified not just why, but how to create unique environments that regardless of industry create powerful change in people so they can thrive and become the best version of themselves.

We have built up a unique team of people and businesses who understand and are ambitious in realising Social Value. By working collaboratively, we provide advice on where the greatest benefit can be created, and have developed programmes that can be used to provide a real impact to young people to develop their employability, whilst also enabling businesses to demonstrate how they are making a difference in their local communities.



Internalising Social Value

Developing programmes with your organisation from strategy to action, engaging every employee into how they can give back as part of their role and part of your business.

Creating Opportunities and Building Resilience

Programmes that support economically inactive individuals and young people, or children identified as being vulnerable or disadvantaged.

Improving Skills

Programmes that develop communication and team building skills focussing on the importance of healthy and constructive relationships.

Improving Health and Wellbeing

Programmes that address health inequality and contribute towards a more resilient, healthier and active nation.

Equal and Inclusive Opportunities

Programmes that value diversity and address disparity so that everyone has the same opportunities in life.

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