Never before in human history has the rate of change been so rapid.

Every organisation, regardless of sector, age, history, or size must be capable of rising to the immense challenges that this accelerating change presents.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), “Industry 4 & 5” (the fourth and fifth industrial revolutions), nano-technologies, 5G (and beyond), disruptive technologies that are set to expand by nine-fold between 2018 and 2025, a changing world-order, and the stage of the debt cycle, all present you and your organisation with a multitude of change drivers that will threaten the status quo.

The challenge is to thrive in this environment, and not just survive.

You cannot manage your way through change, you have to lead.

How you structure for and lead change is critical to your success.

Yet many change initiatives fail and between 50-90% of Mergers & Acquisitions miss their strategic objectives.

Heraclitus ... a very long time ago!
“The only constant in life is change.”


That’s the question we answer, using time-proven techniques that have the track-record to deliver

Change brings with it the challenge of uncertainty, but more than that it brings opportunity. But only if you understand what it takes to bring together a team that embraces change.

Change is always about people and currently the people side of change is being neglected. We unlock this forgotten component of any change process.

Whether it's how people come together to innovate and create proactive strategic change.

Or whether it's how people rally around to face unplanned, reactive change.

People are the key drivers of every organisation and, in the era of continuous and accelerating change, leadership is absolutely pivotal to creating the organisational environment that not only supports change, through exemplary leadership of its people, but actually thrives on it.

We help produce highly engaged teams and leaders who are measurably better equipped to lead sustainable change.

The Thriving in Change Programme combines the principles of Trust Centred Leadership with the Kotter Change principles as they are so beautifully aligned.

Why, and what can you do about it?

Management + leadership

Talk to the head + the heart

Take people from have to + want to

Talk to the select few + the diverse many


Innovation Network: Where Trust Drives Transformation

Our approach is totally client focussed and follows a process that delivers just that:

Once a client asks for our involvement, we spend considerable time learning about and understanding our client and their needs.

Whenever possible, we use our client’s own systems and resources during our entire engagement, as we are committed to knowledge transfer – developing client acquisition of our expertise.

The organisation’s people are, therefore, key participants in the overall success and delivery of the assignment.

Then we clarify our understanding of those needs, and use further questioning, data acquisition and problem solving techniques to ensure that we validate our understanding.

The next phase is to create the solution to the issue(s) and our client’s strategic objectives, and to validate those.

We then work on creation of the change

We then work with the client’s team to actually create the change.

We use time-proven techniques to drive and accelerate the change process, and to maximise the probability of delivery success.

We then confirm the delivery of the change. No change process is complete until it has become institutionalised within the culture and fabric of the organisation, so we work with our clients to ensure that the change will continue and be sustained.

Finally we close our day-to-day involvement in a pre-planned and structured way, ensuring that the necessary knowledge and expertise transfer to the client organisation has occurred.

Tony EMCC, EQi2.0 & 360

Meet the team


Barry Eustance AMgr MCMI, CMI


Senior Advisor

Lysa Morrison MBA, EMCC, NLP

Lysa was a senior adjunct lecturer at Newcastle University on Change Management, Strategy, Leadership and Personal & Professional development.

She combines a naturally inquisitive mind with specialist skills in business strategy, psychology, emotional intelligence, linguistics, communication and coaching to explore your situation and help you choose the next steps.

She is a TEDx speaker and talks all over Europe on these topics.

Tony has participated at elite levels of sport and aviation so is in the privileged position to know just how important relationships are to achieve peak performance. People matter!!

He therefore understands what steps to put in place to ensure a team are best prepared to handle setbacks, but also to survive success - EMCC and EQi 2.0.

Because change is constant and accelerating, Barry's mission is to equip our clients to constantly succeed in leading change.

He is Kotter Change Leader Program Certified, Chartered (CMgr MCMI) by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) and hold a CMI Masters level Diploma in Professional Consulting.

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